We can take the puzzle out of the web!
Specialize in small business and/or non-profits.
Studies indicate the average “audition time” for a website is about 3 seconds.
Your site should clearly state its purpose, provide a clear “call to action” and provide an intuitive and logical user interface, so your potential customers become your next customers.
We design user-friendly, efficient, practical but exciting websites focusing on individual projects or small businesses.
Our goal is to work with individuals to create a website that works. Learning your web needs and what best fits you is part of our first evaluation. Building a website that will best fit your needs is our goal.
Let us take the “puzzle” out of the web for you. We can put all the pieces together so it makes sense.
Pat & Dick Jones
At 50 years old I took my own advice (as I was telling someone they weren’t too old to go back to college) to get my Web Design Certification. I love working with computers (over 30 years) and people – so it’s a great choice for me. Over the years I’ve learned some folks are very comfortable with computers (some aren’t) – once it’s designed, they take over and are good to go.
It’s necessary to update and stay current with your customers. If your site was last updated 6 months or a year ago – folks don’t feel they are getting the “latest” information. Or if your site isn’t current, customers could think “maybe you don’t pay attention to details or don’t care”. But you could be too busy or just not comfortable with computers — we can help!
For myself I wanted a simple, basic website. But if you want lots of photos, flashing sliders, videos, store, blogs – we can help at many levels to promote your business.
Many websites I build are turned over to the customer to update and change as they need it. Some customers prefer us to update their site – they don’t want anything to do with it! Previous customers have included jewelry, manufacturing, restaurants, wood working and sales businesses.
With all the options out there — where do you turn? We can help!
I need a website. I would like to change my website.
Where do I begin?
What are the steps I need to do for a website?
Here are some basic questions you should think about…
If you have a site currently:
Looking to start a website:
We are glad to help – send us an email!
Do you have ideas you want to run by someone? Fancy or plain – let’s hear your ideas – we can help make it possible!
Do you think that a website is too expensive? Once a site is up and running – server space usually runs about $100+ a year to keep your URL and hosting. It’s a very low expense to promote your business and offer your customers. A basic website with us starts at $500, bartering is a great way for you to get a website for your business!
Make sure your links open into a new tab or window. You don’t want a link to override your site (unless it is within your site). You don’t want your customers to “lose” their way back to your site.
What does this mean? Search Engine Optimization – make sure your site is set up to be searched easily – so your customers can find you on the web!
Are you using it to its potential? Do you have a Facebook, Instagram page? Lots of marketing ideas linked with social media.
If you just don’t have the time to update your business website or reply to customers’ emails — we can help!
Comments or questions are welcome.
Glad to help you put the puzzle pieces together on a website that is right for your business!
We are located in Casa Grande,AZ.
We have clients in different states — that’s what is great about working virtual!